API Errors

A reference of errors that you may encounter while using the Live Editor API.

Error format

As with the majority of the Live Editor API, errors returned by the system follow the JSON API spec.

Data validation errors

When an error occurs, the server will respond with an appropriate HTTP statusin the 4XX or 5XX range. The response body will typically contain an error object.

Here is a typical error object for a data validation error:

        "errors": [
            "title": "Title can't be blank",
            "id": "title",
            "code": "100",
            "source": {
              "pointer": "/data/attributes/title"
            "status": "422"

Error codes

Most errors returned will have an associated code. Following is a listing of those error codes and their meanings.

Code Description
100 Validation error
101 Invalid resource
102 Filter not allowed
103 Invalid field value
104 Invalid field
105 Param not allowed
106 Param missing
107 Invalid filter value
109 Key order mismatch
110 Key not included in URL
112 Invalid include
113 Relation exists
114 Invalid sort criteria
115 Invalid links object
116 Type mismatch
117 Invalid page object
118 Invalid page value
119 Invalid field format
120 Invalid filters syntax
121 Save failed
122 Invalid data format
400 Bad request
403 Forbidden
404 Record not found
406 Not acceptable
415 Unsupported media type
423 Locked
500 Internal server error