Asset Image Data Model

Image file uploaded and imported into the site for use within content and the theme.

This resource is a part of the Uploading Assets Workflow.

Sample JSON Data

        "data": {
          "type": "asset-images",
          "id" "0ce15479-37d9-44e8-bbaf-a14fdd969a7c",
          "attributes": {
            "url": "",
            "file-name": "logo.png",
            "content-type": "image/png",
            "file-size": 22366,
            "width": 792,
            "height": 205,
            "image-properties": {},
            "fingerprint": "77c3cc2dcf380f7ee9ba3a9079612d7d",
            "created-at": "2012-04-23T18:25:43.511Z",
            "updated-at": "2012-04-23T18:25:43.511Z"
          "relationships": {
            "asset": {
              "data": {
                "type": "assets",
                "id": "cd8d624b-6839-4e05-b69c-8b471f57339d"


Attribute Type Required Description
url string Read-only Published URL of the image file.
file-name string Read-only Name of image file that was initially uploaded as an asset upload.
content-type string Read-only MIME type of image file.
file-size integer Read-only Size of image file in bytes.
width integer Read-only Width of image in pixels.
height integer Read-only Height of image in pixels.
image-properties object Read-only Metadata about image content.
fingerprint string Read-only MD5 checksum fingerprint of image content.
created-at date Read-only Records when asset image record was created, localized to the current logged in user’s time zone.
updated-at date Read-only Records when asset image record last updated, localized to the current logged in user’s time zone.


Title Type Required Description
asset object Read-only Asset record tracking this image.
