date Object

Date/time object for use within content template displays.


Attribute Required Description
date Yes date Date object. Can also access this by outputting the object as a whole.
id Yes string UUID of content block containing date object.


Block Objects


The date block object defines the blueprint for content blocks based on the base date content template. It contains a date/time stamp.

Within your content templates’ displays, you would reference the block’s var_name containing the text data. (It won’t necessarily be named date but rather what you defined in the content_templates.json file.)


Here is an example display template using a date content block with a var_name of start_date:

{{ start_date }} is the same as {{ }}

You’ll likely want to output date objects using the date filter:

      {{ start_date | date: '%A, %B %d, %Y' }}
      {{ start_date | date: '%-m/%-d/%y' }}
      {{ start_date | date: '%Y' }}

Example Output

      Friday, July 17, 2017