cycle Tag

Accepts a list of strings as parameters and cycles through each one and outputs it.


Accepts a list of strings as parameters and cycles through each one and outputs it. Each time cycle is called, the next string that was passed in as a parameter is output.

cycle must be used within a for loop.

      {% for i in (1..5) %}
        {% cycle 'apple', 'banana', 'orange' %}
      {% endfor %}


apple banana orange apple banana

Uses for cycle include the following:

  • Applying odd/even classes to rows in a table.
  • Applying a unique class to the last item in each row.



string If you need to have more than one set of cycles running independently within a template, you can prepend a group name to the beginning of the parameters.

        {% for link in navigation.links %}
          <li class="{% cycle 'links': '', 'last' %}">
            {{ link.title }}
        {% endfor %}
        {% for category in categories %}
          <li class="{% cycle 'categories': '', '', 'last' %}">
            {{ }}
        {% end %}